Tuesday, November 21, 2017


   These Books are a representation of my best efforts to              remember my troubled past.
I have seen a lot and done a lot in my lifetime.
Helping many people along the way.
And Killing those whose time had come.
I do not take pleasure in removing souls from this place, but these were souls that were lead by the Devil himself.
I have no choice in this fight between good and evil, I was marked by God to do his bidding and to carry out death to those who cause injustices to mankind......
  I am Michael
   The Angel of Death

First Draft

Mac felt the raindrops but didn't register what they were at first,
He was in the water for sure as he could hear the water rushing over rocks as it made its way downstream.
If that was what he was laying in, A stream or river he wasn't sure but the cold of it had entered his body and he shivered.
Bringing his hand up to the pain he felt in his head he noticed how heavy it felt. He moved in slow motion at least that's what it seemed like.
Touching the bruised spot on his forehead brought a sharp jolt to his senses.
Shit, he thought.
Pulling himself up, brought a wave of dizziness and he rolled over and puked.
Finally feeling he had nothing left to vomit, Mac tried again to sit upright.
A wave of dizziness attacked him but he fought it and stayed sitting with his chin on his chest, his head just felt too heavy to hold up for any length of time.
Finally lifting his head after what seemed like hours, Mac tried to focus, even so, there wasn't much to see.
It was pitch Black and mostly all he saw was the stars above.
It was funny how many stars you could see when the light from your surrounding was minimal.
He was laying in a river or I should say a small beach if that's what you'd call it.
The moon was out in force and that helped as his eyes started to focus.
Whatever was given to him was wearing off... but who? Why? he couldn't remember.
Touching his forehead again brought another rush of focus from the pain and he figured maybe a case of amnesia.
He was no Doctor that was for sure but when you have a dent in your forehead as he did and can't remember shit... Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out, your screwed.
First things first, get the hell out of this stream before something freezes and falls off.
Trying to stand was another obstacle he needed to get out of the way.
Searching around for something to use to steady himself, he found a limb that had broken off at about 5 feet long.
Using that he inched his self up to a standing position and held that until the dizziness stopped.
Standing there he noticed a cliff that overlooked the river, actually as he looked around he noticed that the river through time had cut itself deep into the ground.
The river had been grinding away at the river bed for thousands of years Mac guesses to have sunk itself 10-15 feet down.
Must have been how he ended up laying in the river, falling off the cliff and hitting his head on one these rocks that covered the bank.
Well at least so far he knew how he got there but why was he in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night?
Well, thats the question of the month isn't it Steve? he muttered to himself.
Looking around there was no obvious way back up the cliff and with his head pounding he wasn't about the climb out.
So he started walking downstream, He remembered his father telling him, "Son if you ever get lost, find a stream or river and go downstream because people build by water and you'll run into someone sooner or later"
What troubled Steve is maybe he didn't want to find just anyone.
There had to be a reason he was out here in the middle of the night and for him to fall off a cliff, well he had to have been in a hurry to not see it or hear the river before he fell.
Something just wasn't sitting right with him and the harder he tried to remember the worse his headache got.
He told himself, "Keep moving Mac, Don't Stop"
Noise, he heard noise, stopping Mac craned his head to hear better, "Dogs"
Fuck, not sure why but he just did it.
He stepped back into the cold water and moved faster downstream.
"Dogs, it wasn't just one dog or wolfs or coyotes, no it was Dogs! and they were in a frenzy.
He knew what it meant and something inside told him it wasn't the kind of search party he would want to find him.
Whatever happened to him, was causing his subconsciouses to push him the flight, fighting was out of the question, no weapon, unknown was tracking him, how many? weapons? just too much of unknowns for him to fight without a weapon so the other instinct was flight and that's what he was doing until he could figure out what he was up against.
A thought came to him, searching his pockets came up empty, Shit he was hoping for a billfold, drivers license, anything with his name on it or address.
The dogs were far behind he could barely hear them and only once in awhile. Using the river to keep his scent from the dogs was working but in daylight whoever had the dogs would be able to track him but the unsettled mud along the river.
He needed to be far from them by daylight.
And he needed to find a hidden spot to stay out of sight for the day.
He would lay low until night and push forward until he found people and a cell.
"A Cell" who in the hell was he going to call?
"Stupid" He could call 911 or get a ride into town and get to a Sheriff.
What had been interesting and was weighing on his mind was the empty holster that had been clipped to the inside of his pants in the middle of his back.
For some reason, he knew there had been a Glock 26 in it at one time.
How he knew this he had no idea, but whatever it was, it was pushing him to keep moving with a sense of urgency.
He was missing something, something very important and he needed to figure it out.
The empty holster at least gives him something to check out, was he a mobster, a cop?, a private Eye?.
He wasn't a hunter, not wearing a dirty, wetsuit-like he had on and who hunts with a Glock? no, he was a professional something.
He had to get out of the water his feet were numb with cold.
A fire would be nice but he couldn't risk it and he was sure even if he had matches or a lighter they would've been ruined by the water by now.
The good thing was there were plenty of rocks to walk on to avoid footprints but then dogs don't give a shit about footprints, it was all about scent.
Daylight was finally creeping out from behind the mountain range that Steve couldn't identify.
Finally finding what he needed he broke off a branch.
"Rue" it's purple flowers were the giveaway, How he knew he had no idea but he used it to sweep behind him as he searched for a hiding spot.
Finally, about 10 feet up the side of a high of the cliff was an opening.From where he was standing it looked like he could barely squeeze into it if it had any depth to it.Not much time before he would be a sitting target for someone with binoculars or even a rifle scope.
It was slow going, he seemed to be surer-footed then an amateur, so he figured he had climbed at least once before.
as he pulled his head up over the out hang of the cave, something flew at him.
Mac ducted almost losing his footing, he had to hold tight for a minute to settle his nerves.
And then he slipped.
Sliding all the way to the bottom created a dust cloud and shit lot of noise.
Standing up he dusted off his suit that was threadbare by than, torn and ragged.
There was blood down the front, his wrist was bruised and bloody.
In the light, he could finally look at himself, looked like I was in a war Mac thought
The fog that had enveloped his brain was finally lifting and he could take stock of himself.
Feeling his face he gasped "My face feels like I had landed on my face or someone beat the shit out of me" he thought
Looking up, he saw what had startled him.
A hawk had been sitting there watching for prey and he must have been as startled just as much as Mac.
"A girl" it popped into his head....A girl, a lost girl.
Shit, Mac thought, A girl finally he had something.
He was searching for a lost girl.
So why was he being hunted?
"Good question Mac," he thought.
At least I've got something.
For once he had something smile about.
Knowing he needed rest and to get out of sight he grabbed the "Rue" branch and swept his way back to the cliff, hanging off one of his shoelaces so that is would repel any dog who thought to look up, Mac began to climb.
Grasping the ledge he swung himself over the top.
The ledge was small, 2 foot by 3 foot but big enough for him to settle on it as he checked out the entry to the small cave.
Dark and musty, probably rainwater found ways in.
Picking up a pebble, Mac tossed it in... nothing he picked up another one and threw it even farther, expecting something to jump out at him.
Nothing, well at least if it was large it would've let him know before he went in.
The Sun was starting to beat down on him and he felt he had sat there long enough, So taking another look around, up the canyon from where he came and down.
He saw nothing, heard nothing also which was a good sign...
The hair on the back of his neck stood up a second before rock blew out next to his face, throwing chips and dirt onto him.
Blinded by the dirt, Mac went from memory and dived into the cave, hoping he wasn't diving into the side of the mountain.
Another bullet followed him into the mouth of the cave.

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